Thursday, November 1, 2012

The end is always a begining.

The 30 Day Challenge has come to an end, I cannot believe that it's already November! The challenge is completed and I feel like a new person. Although, since the challenge is over this does not grant me the privilege of going back to my old eating habits. Typically it takes around 20 to 30 days to make or break a habit, this challenge has not only helped me get into shape it also changed my eating habits for the better. The only difference is now I will allow myself one treat day out of the week, this "treat day" will consist mostly of healthy treats and of course the normal holiday treats coming up because everyone should enjoy food on the holidays. Anyways I figure it's time to put my month where my mouth is, so here's my before and after picture for the 30 Day Challenge.

I feel great and 90% of my clothes are a bit baggy now so I decided I would treat myself with shopping trip for some new fall clothes. I encourage anyone who wants a jump start with getting in shape to challenge yourself by cutting one thing or a few things out of your diet for one month, your whole outlook on food will change (As well as your eating habits). Stay focused, believe in yourself, and don't give up after one week or a small slip up.


  1. Your 30 Day challenge seemed to have been a success. Congratulations! Keep up the good work and you definitely deserve that little treat!

    1. Thanks I feel like the challenge was a success too, I was pretty anxious when starting this challenge because at first I did not think it would work or if I could even complete it, but here we are. Thanks again!

  2. That was a great successful story. I'm sure you are proud of yourself, I definitely would be. I could probably not stick to something this strict but I just workout a little bit harder so therefore I can indulge in some sweets every once in awhile. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks, yeah it was a pretty strict routine but I can say that my old eating habits are long gone. Just the thought of an unhealthy makes my stomach turn, I might just be a little weary because I don't know how my body would react if I ate anything I had before this challenge.

  3. Congratulations! Badass results. I agree with SSG Jones above. I'm the kind of person who eats whatever I want, then works out as hard and often as possible. But your blog is definitely encouraging me to focus more on diet. (Especially when the stuff you make looks delicious anyways, and therefore barely involves sacrifice.) If you want to jump start your workout routine I'd suggest adding a little weight training. It's an easy way to maintain your new figure, while still indulging occasionally. Even curling light weights (like the 20 pound bar) could add more definition, and keep you super lean.

    Congrats again! :)

    1. Thanks and I completely agree with the weight training, I usually do weight training whenever I go to the gym. The hardest part is finding the when when you're in school, especially the closer we get to finals week. I will certainly be back in the gym once the semester is over with, thanks again! :)

  4. I've been following your blogs and I must say, congrats! You did such a great job and your 100% right. Just because the 30 day challenge is over doesn't mean to slack off and go back to old habits. Keep it up! You look great.

    1. Thanks! Yeah so far nothings changed with my diet and exercise, and I have yet slip back into old habits. Thanks again. :)
